Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Parents
  2. E-Safety (Parents)
  3. 50/50

Click on the following links to Ampertaine PS website E-Safety Pages

  1. Parents' 50/50 Page
  2. Parents' Common Sense Media Page









E-Safety@Ampertaine: Creating Digital Citizens
Research shows that children today spend over 50 hours on screen time every week.
At Ampertaine it is our aim, during your child's seven years with us, to provide 50 hours of unbiased lessons, practice, discussions etc. so that our children have the best possible chance of managing their lives in our modern technological world.

50 hours is an average of about 15 minutes per school day.

Obviously YOUR help at home is key and we are asking you to play your part.

We can provide you with some guidance and invite you to undertake a little work of your own.
We want to help you to help your children.

Please join us. Please play your part.
Please help us to make sure your children are ready to manage the continually evolving "Electronic", "Connected", "Virtual" world that awaits them.
Together we can give them more than a 50 : 50 chance of becoming worthy Digital Citizens.