Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Learning
  2. Accelerated Reader
  3. AR Certifications

2017... Latest Certificates Awarded at Morning Assembly.... 

Many of our Current Pupils Have Already Been Awarded Further Certificates This Year 
Every Leaver for the last three years has also received certificates to at least SUPER READER.

***AR Certifications***
The lists below celebrate the awarding of special Ampertaine AR "Star" Certificates of Achievement to readers who have achieved the challenging targets set by AR researchers.
The lists indicate children's highest achievements to date and will be updated when march's STAR TESTS are complete.

Click on the sample certificate above to download a list of all reading certifications and the levels needed to earn them.

Honours Readers
(No Current Pupil Honours Certifications)

Classic Readers

Abbie Caskey

Star Readers
Callum Smyth
Lucy Pattison
Gareth Linton
Jack Hutchinson
Hannah Sufferin
Bethany-Grace Rainey
Laura Mclees
Rihanna Hamilton
Emma Beatty
Imogen Scott
Brody Lamont
Anna Kelso
Jonathan Graham

Sarah-Jane Sufferin
Adam Rodgers
jessica Drennan
Jake Millar

Advanced Readers
Sophie Patrick
Sam Michael
Joshua Graham
Holly Gordon
Adam Rodgers
Millie Patrick
Vance McKeown
Matthew Bolton

Callum Alexander
Charlie Wilson
Robyn Shiels
Adam Rainey
Kori McKeefrey
Grace Darragh
Tom Buchanan
Emily Sufferin
Zara Hamilton
Evon Beatty

Super Readers

 Jay McKirgan

Ella McIlroy
Scott Bradley
Jonathan Stirling
Ella Mitchell
Chloe leacock
Tammi-Lee Lamont
Maya Kyle
Jason Clark
Joshua Duddy
Jak Crawford
Alex Smyth
Grace Malcomson
Sarah Linton
Connor Kyle
Matthew Sufferin
Grace McCormack
Ryan Lynd
Erin Lennox
Riley Gibson
Hannah Elder

Rising Readers

Hannah Mitchell
Zachary Crawford
Aaron Neely
Malcolm McAllister
Megan Shiels
Ellen Rodgers

Independent Readers
Joshua Graham
Vance McKeown
Joshua Duddy
Sophie Burns

Ready Readers

Millie Patrick