Ampertaine Primary School

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Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Learning
  2. Eco-Schools

WASTE WEEK 18 - 22 MARCH 2019

We will be taking part in Waste Week 2019 from 18th - 22nd March.  This year the focus is on reducing the use of single use plastics.  We will be leading assemblies to show everyone why it is important to reduce our plastic waste.  Some of our members announced this in a special assembly on Friday.  During this week we will be asking everyone to support the campaign by using reusable containers and bottles rather than cling film, food bags and yoghurt pots. 


We have had a great week here learning about why we should reduce the use of single use plastics! Our eco team held an assembly, we ran a fact finding mission, we carried out a before and after audit and you all supported us by sending snacks in reusable containers. THANK YOU!!

We have looked at the audit figures in two different ways.  Firstly, counting ALL plastics, we reduced our use by 36%.  However, if the school milk bottles and straws are not counted in this, YOU helped to reduce our plastic use by a whopping 97%.  This is something to consider moving forward.

Our Plastic Waste Assembly:

Plastics Fact Finding Mission:

During Waste Week we ran a competition in school.  Facts about single use plastic were displayed around school.  Children had to find the facts, fill in the competition sheet and put in the Eco-suggestions box to enter.   Congratulations to all those who took part and to our winners Emily, Cora and Abigail who can enjoy a treat from Harley Quinn's in town to celebrate! 

Single Use Plastic Free Lunch Boxes:

Ampertaine Primary School Eco Committee

We have a thriving and busy Eco Committee at Ampertaine, organised and managed by Mrs. Wallace. The committee's past achievement of the award of a "Green Flag" is nearing its renewal date so every ounce of the children's energy is being put into developing another superb application to the judges who will visit school some time before June.

The Eco-club is made up of representatives from P3 to P7.  We meet at least once a month to discuss our Environmental Review, our Action Plan, and to organise assemblies, competitions and campaigns. 

Ampertaine needs to be able to show continual reduction of the school’s environmental impact, so many activities take place on a daily basis such as litter picking and recycling.


This year's major project is to raise awareness of Global Perspectives.  To understand that our individual actions can have an impact locally and globally.   We also want to continue to improve our school grounds, including increasing our capacity for biodiversity.  Our pupils spend a large amount of time outside, both recreationally and in beyond the classroom learning experiences.  The children have put a great deal of thought into what they would like to see in the school grounds and with the aid of parents and the wider community, we have installed seating, shelter and planters.  We will again be calling on this support to continue to maintain and improve our outdoor facilities.

Our Green Flag is very important to us.  It is an internationally recognised scheme that shows we care about our environment and that we are actively working towards reducing our environmental impact. Eco Committees all around the world hope to work towards a more sustainable future together. 

Environmental Review


We carried out a review of our school and decided what issues we would like to tackle this year. 

Our Major Project will be:

Global Perspectives.

Our Minor Projects will be:

Outdoor Learning


Global Perspectives

October 2017

P6 and P7 delivered presentations about Fairtrade and Operation Christmas Child as part of our Harvest celebrations, attended very well by parents and members of the local community.


The Eco-committee held an assembly to share information about different forms of energy, where our energy comes from and the importance of saving energy. We hope some of this information was shared at home.

School Grounds and

Outdoor Learning


Gardening Rota

The school planters take a lot of looking after. We have a rota to encourage whole school involvement with this. Each class takes their turn to do their bit!


Gardening Club

We run gardening clubs every year to keep our planters looking smart.  We grow salad, herbs, carrots and potatoes that are cooked for us by the school kitchen to enjoy eating.  


We went to Hezlett P.S. to look at their school grounds and Diamonds Saw Mills to pick what features we would like in our school grounds.  

Litter and Waste

January 2019

We are delighted to announce that we are now working with Vicky Seviour-Crockett to raise money for the charity Kicks Count by saving all of our crisp bags, cake wrappers and cracker packets for her. This should help us to reduce the amount of black bin waste we are producing. 


November 2017

We had a visit from the Waterbus to learn more about where our water comes from, where it goes to and why it is important to look after it.  

Frank Stewart came to speak to us from Water Aid.  He told us about boys and girls that have no clean water to drink in Uganda.  We hope some of our boys and girls think more carefully about where our water comes from.