Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Learning
  2. Bloggers' Corner

Ampertaine Bloggers' Corner

Our older children are being invited to take part in  safe blogging activities between October and June.
Blogging is an online diary activity that we are using to encourage our youngsters to practise using the internet safely and responsibly.

Our P7s will start first and October's discussions are related to books they have read in Accelerated Reader.

We are using the (free) Kidblog service which offers fair levels of support and safety.

Click on Bloggers' City (above) to go to the Kidblog login.
This link takes you away from our school website.