Ampertaine Primary School

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94 Kilrea Road
Co. Londonderry
BT46 5SB

028 796 43741

Ampertaine Primary School

Memorable Learning

  1. Welcome
  2. Archives
  3. Story Sacks

Meet our new Story Sacks bee!

There will be a competition in September to come up with a suitable name for him/her

Get your thinking caps on now!

Story Sacks

This area of our website is being updated during the summer holidays.
It will focus on our Story Sacks project which we are running in conjunction with Little Amps.

It started last year but, because of other things, progress slowed up.

Plans are now being made to:

  • have some brand new Story Sacks made by our outgoing P7 children during their summer holidays
  • prepare all the materials that we will need so our Parent Helpers will be able to run our Story Sack Library by the end of February 2017.
  • arrange a joint meeting between Little Amps / Ampertaine  parents to hear about and discuss Story Sacks

Kyle, Esther and Gabriella celebrate their beautiful Story sacks at the Flax Café.

Coming Soon!... "Bring Down the Stars" by local author Esther Houston

Coming Soon!... "The Race" by local author Thomas Kyle

Coming Soon!... "Lima's Big Adventure" by local author Jonathan Kelso